About Us

Certified Cicerones® and Beer Geeks


I'm Your Beer Friend Hal Mooney. I'm a Certified Cicerone® and I've been drinking beer professionally for over 13 years. I've traveled the globe with my wife Cindy Mooney (Co-Founder of Your Beer Friend and also a Certified Cicerone®) and drinking the smoothest Real Ale in the cozy pubs of London, the softest Pilsners in the Czech Republic, the Haziest IPAs in New England, and many, many, more beers. In fact, my current back of the coaster count is that I've tried over 20,000 individual beers. Including the three that I tried today in our warehouse in Long Beach, CA. 

Cindy and I started this company to share our passion for the craft beer community and all of the delicious examples of beer that we have found and are still discovering on a daily basis. We hope you or whoever you're giving a beer gift to is excited to come on this craft beer journey with us. Cheers.